Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, I love where I live. The neighborhood is cute and friendly and my rent is dirt cheap. The only problem is that there is no convenient place to do laundry. Therefore, sometimes the laundry builds up for quite some time. My roommate and I usually try at least three times before actually making it to the mat. Sometimes, it gets to a point where I have to just go out and buy some new essentials. Over the weekend it got to that point- that rock bottom point of buying a thong at Marshal's.

The undies I got didn't have a tag, so the checkout girl went to go find another pair. While she was gone, the skeezy dude at the next register picked them up and started running them through his fingers. I thought he was looking for a price tag at first, but, nope, he was just playing with them. I think that the worst part was, in the last few seconds before the girl came back, he made unblinking eye contact with me while rubbing the crotch between his thumb and forefinger. I guess I should have said something, but I was kinda frozen.

Later that night, as I was dressing for a date, I had to wonder, were those undies any cleaner than the ones in my hamper? I did laundry the next day.

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